For the first half of this week’s workshop Greg set us the task retelling a dreamtime story through the software program Inspiration 8 IE. The learning objectives of the activity was to select a dream time story from the Dust Echoes series (available at, to retell only including the key parts of the story. If used in the classroom as a activity for students to complete it requires students to identify what parts of the story merit focus and understanding, by giving them a limited amount of points they can pick they will need to thoroughly read an comprehend the story and use a process of elimination to determine the information essential to the story’s message.
Below is the mind map I created using Inspiration with a number of parts from the story which I believe are important to message the story is trying to portray.
The second half of the workshop was focused on maths activities and how technology can be integrated into the subject to enhance the learning experience and environment for students. The activity was focused on using Microsoft Excel to design a spreadsheet for M&Ms and the colours that appear in the package. I agree this is a great ICT activity that all students enjoy especially when they get to eat the M&Ms afterwards. I have included the excel spreadsheet that we completed in pairs during the workshop that shows the amount of M&Ms in a packet and how many of each colour. Students could take this activity one step further and conduct a survey of the classrooms favourite M&M colour. This would give students practice in recording data they gather making the activity an active process as they are involved in all stages of the process.